Week 17/18/Gender

Wow! I have been slack. I think it's more that time is just flying by. Tomorrow I will be 19 weeks so I wanted to try and get a post in for my 17/18 week update plus the latest ultrasound. 

We had an ultrasound at the beginning of the week and will have another in two weeks - the one in two weeks I will be taking mum to, which she has already said she will cry! But the most resent ultrasound was awesome as usual and we are pretty confident that we are having a GIRL! Que all the pink things! We both knew from day one that she was a girl! 

She is perfect! Absolutely perfect! And a little wriggler. I have been feeling her alot this week. It's crazy! Richard still can't feel her yet, I can't wait til he can.

I have been struggling with server round ligament pain though - it is agony. Happens one or two days of the week for an evening and in to the early morning. I've also started sleeping in the spare room because the bed in there is softer, I have that many pillows around me I sleep in a sea of pillows, I get up around 4 times a night to pee and well I just felt like it was a good move for me til I can get comfortable and get my sleeping back to normal. 

Richard has been amazing the last few weeks which has really made my anxiety settle. We have been talking more and it has just generally put me in a better mood so I stress less. 

I've had appointments galore this week. From ultrasound, antenatal, physio, mental health midwife, kinesiology, gp... been very busy but everyone is happy and healthy and thats how we are working at keeping it.

Week 16 Update

Well these weeks just keep flying by but also feel so long! I have royally POPPED! This photo was taken on Saturday, by Sunday afternoon when mum saw me again she was shocked at the size of my belly and how it looked as if it had grown over night - although to me it felt smaller. The truth is it had shifted and moved up and rounded more. Which has been a pleasant thing for me with baby not to much playing on my bladder - meaning only getting once or twice a night and getting a more restful sleep! Still need more though!

This week has still be all about the milk and dairy, blood noses here and there, minimal headaches, more hip and back pain then before and getting worn out a lot faster. I have however been all about the cleaning, cooking and trying to get this house ready. We only moved in, in October (the month I fell pregnant) so we haven't had a lot of time or money to do the things we already wanted to do let along prepare the house for a baby. Clothes are becoming a seriously struggle. Wearing hubbies clothes as they seem to be the only tops I have that fit. It still has been rather cold here so struggling to find warm clothes that fit as well. I have a feeling clothes are going to be my biggest battle.

I am feeling a lot calmer. The crying is at a minimum which is great! I feel like I've started to embrace the pregnancy, finally. I am ok with wearing tight tops to show of my bump. I even said last night that I couldn't wait til the baby was here, with no fear in my mind at all. I think both Richard and I are feeling a lot more comfortable about it all this week which has been so nice and really lifted the stress and tension in the house. 

It is still killing me, to the point of laying awake at night, wanting to know the gender! I'm terrified when we have the scan that they won't be able to tell me. I NEED TO KNOW! Only 14 days left til the scan! Longest two weeks ever!