I have been terrible with my updates due to being away for two weeks in Melbourne for Richards work. It was a great time away - a sort of 'Babymoon'. So much food, shopping and sights to see - alot of the time I was by myself and it was nice to just relax and do my own thing. I even started reading a new book series!
I am technically 23 weeks today but want to get my updates up-to-date! I've been feeling really good considering I have never walked so much in my life then I have in the last two weeks. Guaranteed I've never eaten so much amazing food either!
I have been feeling chubby, swollen, fat and uncomfortable which is normal. I have developed a bit of reflux at night which sucks. Sleep is difficult but I am managing. I'm doing surprisingly well I think. Happy and excited. This little girl wiggles and moves ALOT! Mainly kicking me in the balder and then stomach which causes me to feel motion sickness sometimes.
Richard has been amazing! I know he is going to be an unreal dad!
I have my 3rd antenatal appointment next week and I can't even say I will have much to report then. I have been doing really well emotionally and even physically. I haven't experienced any round ligament pain of pelvic girdle pain in 2 weeks now so I am hoping that has passed.
In a few weeks Richard may have to go back to Melbourne for work, for up to 4 weeks. We are not sure on this yet. I was starting to struggle at the end of this two weeks, walking around all day, amusing myself, financially it was very expensive. So I know that I won't be staying for the full time maybe a few nights, but then again I'm not sure if Richard will be happy to leave me for that long - especially as we start to really get this ready. We shall see what happens and take it as it comes.
All in all, everyone is well!
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