
This topic is something that surprisingly to me seems to hit a nerve with some people but I feel that it's something I want to address openly with 10 or less weeks left till our little girl will be here.

When all the stories in the media were going around about the little boy who died at 4 weeks old from Whopping Cough, I cried. And not just a normal pregnant lady cry but a genuine cry of sadness for that family. With all the information, studies and technology around these days I can not understand how someone can chose not to vaccinate against a disease that can kill such innocence. 

We have made the choice that unless you are fulling vaccinated or have proof that you are immune to the Whopping Cough that until our baby is old enough, strong enough and able to get vaccinated herself that those people just won't be able to see her. I can't risk the life of my baby because someone else has made the choice not to get vaccinated. I feel that if they believe it is there choice not to get vaccinated then it is our choice to deny them access to our baby til she is vaccinated, as it is our choice to protect her from harms way, not matter what.

This baby is my world, the second I found out I was pregnant she became my world and I don't want something like a needle, a 10 second procedure to jeopardize my babies life. 

With all the technology in medicine and science I can not understand why people choose not to be vaccinated in the first place. The reason that Australia does not have Small Pox and other killer diseases is because of mandatory vaccines. Thanks to my mums generation, my generation and future generations do not need to worry about such killer diseases. Whopping Cough is the same. Why not for the sake of your life, your childrens lives and other peoples lives would you not simply get the vaccine. I would be mortified to know that I put someone elses baby at risk because of a simply needle.

I have server needle phobia and this vaccine doesn't even concern me. Yes needles scare me but losing my child scares me a hell of alot more. 

So, if you are reading this and hope to met our baby when she is born - please know that this is the stance that my husband and I have chosen to make for the life and health of our baby. Please get the booster shot, get vaccinated, or get checked with a blood test to see if you carry an immunity to it. Otherwise please don't feel offended if we tell you, you can't see her til she is strong enough to have her own vaccinations. Our babies precious life is now our number one priority.

I myself will get the booster in the next few weeks at one of my antenatal appointments. My husband will be off to the doctor to get his. My mum and sister also. My grandparents have already been proactive to get theirs. 

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