We are almost there - as I type this I am exactly 36 weeks. And I'm feeling so many emotions.
Tired and uncomfortable do top my list though.
So! This weeks midwife and doctors antenatal appointments were alot better then last weeks.
I knew I should have just gone with my gut feeling regarding babies position - I knew how she was sitting and I was right. She is NOT posterior! A week of crazy stress for nothing! She has her body on my right side and limbs on the left and the doctors says the chances of her turning posterior a very low. She is head down and they predict will lock in and be engaged in the next week - she's almost ready to go! Both the midwife and doctor were amazing, probably the best appointments I've had so far. I feel so much better. I feel like I can do this, naturally and I have options for pain relief. The doctor told me her exact position - he was great, he said he could stand back and see exactly where she was which was amazing! He also put a guess of around 7lbs in which sounds perfect but still so tiny!
Time is running out to get my ever growing list of jobs done with has created some stress for me. I am getting very tired and finding it harder and harder to do things so it's a struggle. We're still down to the one car so my mum has been helping me with all my jobs outside the house. It has made for some long days though with hubby on lates at work, so dropping me off at mums at 10am and picking me up around 7pm, then having to come home and do all the things I usually do during the day.
I am trying my best to finish up all business things this weekend - I have a mountain of orders as I've had a few releases before planning on closing for maternity leave on Wednesday. I'm just so stressed about having any lose ends. So need to get moving to get it all done ASAP so then I can relax!
Doctor and midwife said that I'm to rest from now on (once I get all business stuff finished of course) and start preparing for labor and baby. My next appointment isn't for another fortnight so 38 weeks but they were sure to tell me all the signs of labor, what to do and check that I've packed my bags and everything - just in case.
I have to keep todays update short because I have so much to do today and the day is almost half over. I need to remember to eat more as well! So much on my mind! Hang in there little girl, give me a fortnight to get everything finished and time to rest up for you!
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