
Announcing the greatly anticipated birth of Alice Lindsay Masters, 
21st July 2015, 5:42am at 8lb 7oz.
Via a natural birth, with the use of an episiotomy and forceps after a 'fast & furious' 4hrs 52 minute labor with no pain killers other then gas & air. 

1 week old

I do apologies as it was been a hazy couple of weeks and I haven't been able to update. 
I also have been umming and ahhing about whether or not to share my birth story as it is not one of the good ones, it was very traumatic. Not only for myself but for my support team as well. Recovery will take the full 6 weeks, if not longer I've been told. I n't want to be that person who gives horror stories to first time mums. I know every birth and labor is different, and all I know is no one can prepare you for it; 

Maybe when the whole experience isn't still so raw I might consider putting it all down in writing. 

All I know is, is that Alice is finally here and we love her more then anything in this world.

I did have alot of trouble breast feeding in the hospital - with little to no help, causing alot of damage and meaning I couldn't breast feed. Alice also wasn't latching either, This meant I had to supplement with formula til I worked out what I was doing, which was hard as it wasn't something I wanted to do - especially by day 2. So long story short, I am now exclusively pumping breast milk and feeding Alice via a bottle. This means that my husband and family can feed her aswell. It does however mean alot of time and commitment from myself. It is hard work, thats for sure. But to know I am the sole reason our baby is thriving makes it worth it - even if I feel like a jersey cow all the time. 

Alice is simply amazing, such a good baby!

I am sore, tired and just plain exhausted but I love my new little family. Alice and my husband have made my life complete.

Week 39

Well I'm still here and still very pregnant.
It's been an exhausting two weeks of pre-labor. With on/off contractions.
Yesterday I finally gave in and moved my next antenatal appointment up to that afternoon. 
I'm losing my mind, emotionally and physically exhausted!

The doctor took one look at me and just felt sorry for me. No one tells you or prepares you for weeks of pre-labor! She did all the usual checks and everything was normal. Baby isn't oversized or anything like I was getting worried about, all normal. She offered to do an internal and do a stretch & sweep whilst she was there in the hopes to get things progressing- usually they don't offer this til your overdue but she just felt so sorry for me. I agreed. I'm 1cm dilated already (thank-god) which she was impressed with for a first time mum, but that does mean that all these pains and uncomfortable-ness are doing something. She was even able to touch babies head she is so unbelievably low - that was an odd feeling. (TMI - the stretch & sweep procedure has budged my mucous plug so that's a start - however nothing else yet)

The doctor has also booked me in for a 41 weeks appointment plus ultrasound and an induction date has been booked if things don't progress themselves, although we are all hoping that Little Miss BB comes on her own! I'm hoping she's just like her mother and likes to be on time and will surprise us on her due date! Mind you I've hoped that she would arrive everyday for the last 3 weeks! Either way we have an estimated end date if she doesn't get a hurry on.

I am just over it though! People don't know what to say to me anymore and I don't really know what to do with myself anymore. The emotions are running high. I am constantly feeling as though I'm doing something wrong which is why she isn't here yet.

I just want her to hurry up so I can have her all to myself.

Week 38 - early update!

I am very quickly starting to lose my mind and get cabin fever. 
(Hence the early-ish update, I'm  so bored!)
Being stuck home all day alone just waiting is killing me.
I've had mild, irregular contractions on and off since Tuesday last week (a whole week now), that only seem to happen when someone else is around, and in the afternoon/evening - it's like my body is to scared to do anything when I'm alone. It is so frustrating and exhausting! 
I'm going crazy from bordem! Yes everyone says 'enjoy the time to yourself', 'do the things you love' - I'm 9 months pregnant, I can't do any of the things I love! Plus I'm still stuck home with out a car. I'm done waiting, I want her to hurry up and get here. 

I do think the waiting is causing me some anxiety about the pain and unknown of whats going to happen to actually get her here. I kinda just want the whole labor/delivery part to be over and done with so I can stop thinking about it and questioning every little thing my body does right now. 

I've been feeling very lethargic, very tired and exhausted. Emotionally its almost been like I've got PMS - very teary. The cats have been obsessed with me more then usual but also naughtier then usual which is doing my head in! I'm just plain done with being pregnant now! I'm uncomfortable and feel like I will be things big forever! 

I braved the scales the other day - it has been a almost 2 months since I last weighed myself in which I'd already gained 15kgs. Well at 38 weeks I've gained 18kgs! I feel like a giant whale but then I can't see where other then my belly that I've truly gained weight. I feel swollen and puffy thats for sure so I'm thinking alot of it is fluid because I can still fit in to size 12 maternity jeans. 

Everything is done and ready for baby to get here, she just needs to get here!

Week 37

Almost there. 
This week Little Miss BB dropped and engaged.
And a little secret I've even had mild, irregular contractions since Tuesday night.
So today's antenatal appointment will most likely be our last as the midwife was very excited by the pain I've been having and believe I'm in the early stages of labor starting any time now.

It all went well except my Strep B swab came back positive - this does change the birth plan alittle. It means that when my waters break (or contractions get close and painful) I have to go in to the Maternity Unit and be put on an antibiotics drip for the remainder of the labor. This was not want I wanted at all but of course have to do whats right for baby!

 I was also put on the CTG machine as Little Miss BB has been alittle slow in the mornings and with the irregular contractions - well didn't she show us! After 20 minutes of violent hick ups and another 20 minutes of her heart rate being all over the place she has lost the title of most consistent heart rate from day one! She has always had a heart rate of 148 - 150bpm but today her heart rate was going up to 185bpm at times. Apparently nothing to be worried about but did make it hard to get her base line. 

So looks like if all goes to plan and my body does what everyone thinks it will, we may have a baby this week! I'm nervous and terrified but over-all can't wait for her to get her. I am so uncomfortable! And very much over it now! 

So now we wait. Everything is ready - well as far as my brain is telling me. Get as much rest as I can and eat as much as I can for energy. I might get myself on the treadmill tomorrow as well to try and get things moving. I'm really hoping this week is the week!

The drop! I'm even lower now as well!

Week 36 Questionnaire

I think we have all the main things ready for Little Miss BB's arrival. I keep reading everything I can on natural intervention-free labors and am feeling confident (to a point of course). I think I'm feeling more nervous about actually meeting our baby girl. How will I feel? How will I react? On top of all the mess and exposure that labor can bring. I know they are things that I won't be worrying about at the time but thats the type of person I am.

I woke up this morning (36 weeks + 6 days) and feel that I look like I may have dropped a bit, I can feel her moving lower and there does seem to be more pressure. I am hoping to make 38 weeks, so she is has healthy as can be and I'm as ready as I can be!

How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't weighed in a few weeks because the doctors have told me not to be to worried as I'm 'all baby' but last time I checked which was +15kgs at 33 weeks. I'm still fitting in to size 12 maternity clothes so I'm not to worried.
Maternity clothes? Yes, jeans, leggings and singlets. And larger sized tops. It's winter here and very cold so I am struggling to find warmer clothes in my wardrobe that fit.
Stretch marks? Yes. Definitely got my Mam stripes! They are on the sides of my hips, so looking front on you can't see them which I'm pleased about, I do have them going down one of my legs as well which is odd - I've been using my oil every night though so hope that once I'm back to my normal size they will be barely visable.
Sleep: Oh sleep, how I miss thy! I am so uncomfortable! I am getting about 2-3hrs before I have to get up to the bathroom, however every time I roll over I wake up because my belly is just so heavy! My hips are killing as well which does't help.
Best moment this week: This week? Well I'm getting to the uncomfortable, get this baby out stage so right now I'm just happy to be smiling! The best moment is finishing up the business and putting myself on maternity leave, which means I need to force myself to rest - which is very new to me.
Have you told family and friends: The whole world knows!
Movement: She is still a wriggler! However she is running out of space so her kicks are more squirms and stretches. These can be very painful for me at times but I can only imagine how little space she has in there now.
Food cravings: I still don't feel like I'm eating enough. When I do eat its mainly chocolate! Anything that has sugar and dairy I want it!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm still really struggling with chicken, the smell, the taste and the look.

Have you started to show yet: Yes, yes and yes! I am massive!
Gender prediction: Everything is pink and we have been calling her a girls name for months so she better be a girl :P
Labor Signs: Not yet. I have had braxton kicks contractions since 26 weeks so they are getting more frequent. 
Belly Button in or out? It is only just still an inny! So close to popping!
Wedding rings on or off? I don't wear my rings everyday anymore because I do get swollen fingers (and feet). 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Considering I could pop at any stage now, I am strangely fine. I'm excited and scared! But I know it will all be worth it in the end! 

Week 35

We are almost there - as I type this I am exactly 36 weeks. And I'm feeling so many emotions.
Tired and uncomfortable do top my list though.

So! This weeks midwife and doctors antenatal appointments were alot better then last weeks. 
I knew I should have just gone with my gut feeling regarding babies position - I knew how she was sitting and I was right. She is NOT posterior! A week of crazy stress for nothing! She has her body on my right side and limbs on the left and the doctors says the chances of her turning posterior a very low. She is head down and they predict will lock in and be engaged in the next week - she's almost ready to go! Both the midwife and doctor were amazing, probably the best appointments I've had so far. I feel so much better. I feel like I can do this, naturally and I have options for pain relief. The doctor told me her exact position - he was great, he said he could stand back and see exactly where she was which was amazing! He also put a guess of around 7lbs in which sounds perfect but still so tiny! 

Time is running out to get my ever growing list of jobs done with has created some stress for me. I am getting very tired and finding it harder and harder to do things so it's a struggle. We're still down to the one car so my mum has been helping me with all my jobs outside the house. It has made for some long days though with hubby on lates at work, so dropping me off at mums at 10am and picking me up around 7pm, then having to come home and do all the things I usually do during the day. 

I am trying my best to finish up all business things this weekend - I have a mountain of orders as I've had a few releases before planning on closing for maternity leave on Wednesday. I'm just so stressed about having any lose ends. So need to get moving to get it all done ASAP so then I can relax! 

Doctor and midwife said that I'm to rest from now on (once I get all business stuff finished of course) and start preparing for labor and baby. My next appointment isn't for another fortnight so 38 weeks but they were sure to tell me all the signs of labor, what to do and check that I've packed my bags and everything - just in case.  

I have to keep todays update short because I have so much to do today and the day is almost half over. I need to remember to eat more as well! So much on my mind! Hang in there little girl, give me a fortnight to get everything finished and time to rest up for you!

Week 34

I have an early update this fortnight, thought it was time to try and go back to weekly updates now that we are getting close to full-term. Not to mention a stressful week!

Yesterday I had my midwife appointment and long awaited appointment with the anesthetist. All that didn't go the way I was hoping and in all the waiting time took 4 hours at the hospital - very long day and ended with a phone call from my husband to say he'd had a minor car accident and his car was un-driveable but thankfully he was ok. 

Where to start? The midwife appointment started out normal as usual, arranging to get my whopping cough vaccine whilst I was there, blood pressure all normal... then I was measured and the nurse felt my belly. I'm measuring one week small all of a sudden and her reasoning was, which is the really clincher... Little Miss BB is posterior! My biggest fear with my back! It's the reason she is so active, Because all I feel are her hands and feet! So she needs to MOVE! and soon!

Next I got my whopping cough vaccine which thankfully was simple, easy and as a person with server needle phobia, drama free! 

Then the big appointment that has been booked for months and I had to wait over 2 hours for, the anesthetist. She was lovely but didn't really give me much confidence with anything. Apparently my back has me in a grey area when it comes to the epidural and a spinal. An epidural that up until I heard the words 'your baby is posterior' I didn't even want as an option but knowing that it means a longer and more painful labor would like for it to be at least on the table. In short she is happy to give the me the option of an epidural or spinal if a c-section is needed but can not guarantee that either will work. So in the end I might go through the trauma and pain of trying to get either and still end up with a general anesthetic. Plus what if that anesthetist isn't on when I'm in labor and I get one who isn't willing to 'give it a try'. I feel like there could be more trauma involved with having them as options then not. 

So I walked out of the hospital stressed, overwhelmed and not feeling any better about labor- I actually felt better about it before I went in! 

And to top off the day we are now down to one car til my husbands car can be fixed and out of pocket the excess on the insurance, all with 3-6 weeks before Little Miss BB arrives! I can't help but stress over anything and everything after a day like that. I am worried about my husband and the stress he is under which is making me stress and now worrying that Little Miss BB won't turn has me terrified! 

We are slowly being able to cross more things off the to do list but I feel my anxiety is making me feel like things aren't getting done soon enough and I am struggling to do things physically these days. Sleep is not something I have had in a long time! Being uncomfortable is becoming the new norm which I'm really struggling with. Pain and tiredness I can handle but discomfort I can't. 

I have my mental health midwife visiting on Friday which I think couldn't have come at a better time. Especially after yesterday! I've also got a few other fears and concerns with family and things that might happen when BB gets here that are really playing on my nerves, daily. 

All I know is it will all be worth it when we finally meet our baby girl - its just getting to that part thats the struggle at the moment. 

Week 32/33 & Hospital Bag

Well talk about growth spurt! I feel like a beached whale! 
The weather has turned very cold and very much winter here now so I've taken to staying home alot more. We did have a Maternity photo shot at 32 weeks though which I'm nervously awaiting the photos from - I would never have the confidence to do that sort of thing but the photographer was a friend of my husbands and offered to do it for free if she could use the photos for advertising so I really hop they look alright - so nervous!

We had our Breastfeeding Class last week as well, and well that was an experience. I feel overwhelmed by the whole thing. The midwife who took the class was very intense and I do feel alot of pressure to 'perform'. I know that I need to trust that my body will do what it's meant to have I hope I can feed my baby girl the best I can for the amount of time that feels comfortable to me and her. The pressure to breastfeed well after 1 year old is very overwhelming for me. I have in my mind the goal of at least 4-6months if all goes well. So yes, very confronting sort of class that made me feel rather uncomfortable and out of my comfort zone. 

I'm not sure if I've mentioned before but we do have a name for our precious little one. We announced it to friends at the baby shower in the form of a custom nail polish. We still reserve the right to change our mind but I am very doubtful we will. I've been calling her by her name for a months now and its just perfect. 

Next week is the anesthetist appointment to discuss my options with my previous spinal surgery. However I have got my heart set on and have been preparing (my mind) for a natural birth with little intervention as possible. More then happy to take the gas & air. We've researched warm compression as well which I hope to use if needed. As well has the usual active birth needs, yoga ball, music, and a tens machine. I want to meet my little girl and give her the best chance in this world.

The vivid dreams, leg cramps and braxton hicks contractions are making sleep a very rare thing these days. In turn making me slighting emotional and very tired. I worry about things I shouldn't. My business, money, money and money - I worry so much. My goal was to have my credit card paid off before she was born however I think my dreams for my business being more successful clouded my usual rational mind when it came to how much getting ready for a baby would cost as well as trying to keep my business going and getting the house prepared. So my credit card doesn't look much better then it did 6 months ago which really gets me down alot. I worry alot! 

I did have alot of worry last week and a totally irrational fear of going in to labor early. I think the lack of sleep does get me when it comes to certain fears because it feeds them.

I am starting to feel extra uncomfortable though! 

33 weeks VS 32 weeks

I did (out of the early labor fear) get around to packing my hospital bag and I have almost finished packing the baby bag (I don't think the nappy bag will be quite big enough so going with a small weekender bag).

I did a lot of online research and even asked alot of friends on Facebook as to what to pack in my hospital bag, which at times I got so overwhelmed with. I think it was more the fact that with the bag packed, its really happening.

So here's whats in my bag:
  • 2x Packs of Maternity Pads
  • 6x Granny Undies (cheap and black)
  • A Nursing bra (a size up from what I have been wearing - but I go with the this style so size isn't to much of an issue)
  • 2x Draw string light long pants
  • 2x Nursing Singlets
  • 1x Light weight Cardigan to wear for visitors
  • Long Dressing Gown & Dark pj maternity pants
  • Long sleeve, button down Nightie for easy breastfeeding
  • Socks & Slip on Slippers
  • Bathroom bag: Dry shampoo, moisturizer, body wash, hand sanitizer, tooth brush/paste, hair ties and lip balm 
  •  Large Oversized Tshirt (for labor) 
  •  4x Face washers (to use for hot compression if needed)
I know I'll probably add more to this but I feel pretty happy with whats in the bag at the moment. I do want to make sure I put a spare phone charger in there so we don't have to rush around and try and remember it when things start getting serious.

If anyone reading can think of anything else I might need please feel free to comment.

Well thats one big long update - I guess alot has been going on this fortnight. 
Between the braxton hicks contractions, lack of sleep and irrational worries, I'm doing alright! 

Week 30/31/Baby Shower

It's been a busy week. We've been able to pay off and pick up the pram and car seat, finished our birth education classes and had the baby shower.

Stress is saying it mildly.
I'm still trying to recover from the weekend and baby shower.

I am forever grateful to my mum. Everything she does for me and my growing little family.
There is nothing I can ever do or say to repay her. Pretty much everything we have for this baby and all my maternity needs are taken care of by her. She has never let me go without and she continues that even today. And for that I will never be able to thank her enough. 

All the money, time and effort that my mum put in to the baby shower was simply amazing.
We did have a few people not turn up (most I heard from but unfortunately some I didn't) so we were alittle over catered for which I wish we could have known and saved some money there but either way it was so beautifully done!

Again, I can't thank my mum enough for everything she did.

We were also able to pick up the pram and car seat. I have spent the last 7 months working my butt off to work towards having the pram I really wanted and paying off the layby. With the help from the in laws I was able to finalize the layby and pick it all up. I had paid the pram off but still had the car seat left but with the help was able to pick it up alittle bit earlier then I thought, which is a huge weight of my shoulders as there is still so much left to get before our Little Miss gets here. 

This week I am hoping to get myself organised and work on packing my hospital bag - everyone says its better to be prepared and have it packed early.

I have been thinking about the birth plan alot more since finishing our birth education classes. Although I can't really feel confident till I have my appointment with the anesthetist at 34 weeks to discuss my options because of my back, I do know that I want to try my absolute hardest to have a natural labor. 

Alittle surprise that I did get from my amazing mum today was this gorgeous bassinet - I was blown away!

It's simply gorgeous! 
I'm starting to get to the stage we're I can't wait to meet our little girl.
It's all getting very exciting and overwhelming at the same time.

My exhaustion levels seem to be sky rocketing along with my emotional levels as well. Sleep is back to being a big luxury for me. And little sleep means little patience and tolerance in my day-to-day life which them  creates crazy hormones. But I'm getting there and handling things as well as I can. 


This topic is something that surprisingly to me seems to hit a nerve with some people but I feel that it's something I want to address openly with 10 or less weeks left till our little girl will be here.

When all the stories in the media were going around about the little boy who died at 4 weeks old from Whopping Cough, I cried. And not just a normal pregnant lady cry but a genuine cry of sadness for that family. With all the information, studies and technology around these days I can not understand how someone can chose not to vaccinate against a disease that can kill such innocence. 

We have made the choice that unless you are fulling vaccinated or have proof that you are immune to the Whopping Cough that until our baby is old enough, strong enough and able to get vaccinated herself that those people just won't be able to see her. I can't risk the life of my baby because someone else has made the choice not to get vaccinated. I feel that if they believe it is there choice not to get vaccinated then it is our choice to deny them access to our baby til she is vaccinated, as it is our choice to protect her from harms way, not matter what.

This baby is my world, the second I found out I was pregnant she became my world and I don't want something like a needle, a 10 second procedure to jeopardize my babies life. 

With all the technology in medicine and science I can not understand why people choose not to be vaccinated in the first place. The reason that Australia does not have Small Pox and other killer diseases is because of mandatory vaccines. Thanks to my mums generation, my generation and future generations do not need to worry about such killer diseases. Whopping Cough is the same. Why not for the sake of your life, your childrens lives and other peoples lives would you not simply get the vaccine. I would be mortified to know that I put someone elses baby at risk because of a simply needle.

I have server needle phobia and this vaccine doesn't even concern me. Yes needles scare me but losing my child scares me a hell of alot more. 

So, if you are reading this and hope to met our baby when she is born - please know that this is the stance that my husband and I have chosen to make for the life and health of our baby. Please get the booster shot, get vaccinated, or get checked with a blood test to see if you carry an immunity to it. Otherwise please don't feel offended if we tell you, you can't see her til she is strong enough to have her own vaccinations. Our babies precious life is now our number one priority.

I myself will get the booster in the next few weeks at one of my antenatal appointments. My husband will be off to the doctor to get his. My mum and sister also. My grandparents have already been proactive to get theirs. 

Week 28/29

Ok we are very much on the down hill run from here.
This fortnight, we've had two birth education classes, an antenatal appointment, my glucose test coming back clear and a much needed haircut! It's also very much winter here already! With today not getting any higher then 11 degrees.
This does make for a challenge if I need to leave the house - warm clothes that cover the belly are becoming very hard to find! Although I feel like the last week or so I've been around the same size.

Birth education classes have been great, terrifying but great. I've got an idea of the sort of birth I'd like but know that ultimately it is up to our baby girl what happens. 

Today's antenatal appointment was great as always with a very healthy and happy wiggly girl that is normal and perfect! I'm 29 weeks and 5 days today and she is measuring 30 weeks with her head down at the moment. Her heart beat is simply amazing - every time a doctor or midwife hears it they are simply blown away with our strong and consistent it is. The midwife today was amazing, answering all my strange questions and even letting me record her heart beat.

Turn Up Your Sound!

The nursery is pretty much ready to go, just a few things to hang on the walls and of course her name to go on the door. We are pretty sure we are decided on a name - it has always been between two names and for awhile we were definite about one but have this week gone with the first choice and felt so much more comfortable it it. I even think she likes being called it more then the other. Of course we will have to wait til we met her to make sure.

I am loving her wiggling around alot more these days because she definitely responds to our touches and even voices. She does get excited when I go to my mums and knows her Grandma Gigi's voice already! Mum worked in childcare for, forever and is already sing to her which she loves and is beautiful to see. She loves kicking back at her daddy thats for sure, and loves hearing him call her name. She also knows when his alarm goes off in the morning.

I am physically feeling pretty good these days. Probably better then I was a few weeks ago. I still get tired but after finding out I had very low iron levels from my last blood test, I have been focusing on adding more iron and fiber to my meals as well as adding iron to my vitamins, which has helped. Plus sleep has been alot better since moving to the spare bed - not sure if it's the bed or what but it seems easier to get out of (especially for those nightly toilet trips) and I'm able to have my 8 pillows and super soft doona to myself. Although the husband has managed to sneak in - not sure how it fits in there with me but as long as he can keep the snoring down I'm more then happy to have the company. But I have been sleeping in alot more and waking up less through the night which is lovely. 

It's alittle scary to think that in 10 weeks time or less, we will have our little girl in our arms!
Scary yet, I can't wait to met her.
Looks like I've eaten a basketball!

Week 26/27

Farewell second trimester - hello to the home stretch.
This fortnight was more work on the nursery, the dreaded Glucose test (for gestational diabetes), posting of the baby shower invitations and the weather getting colder.

I love the nursery, I just hope that BB loves it and loves being in there. 
My grandma painted a tree on the wall and it looks amazing! We even made the cot so it's really looking like an almost complete nursery.

The anxiety and stress levels have risen this week with the whole third trimester approaching. And I beleive that the pregnancy hormones really have taken over. I have worked out the witching hours though so know when I'm at my most vulnerable. Between 4pm til about 8pm, anything and everything will and can make me cry. From my carrots not being cooked enough to being uncomfortable. I think I've started to feel terrified of my own body at this stage as well. How the hell am I going to do this?

To top off the anxiety and what not, I've actually started getting Braxton Hicks contractions from about week 26. I went to my GP and she was certain thats what I'd started experiencing. So that is terrifying and very uncomfortable when it happens. 

The dreaded Glucose Blood Tests where this week and I swear to god, that has to be one of the worst experiences of my life. 12+ hours of fasting, 3 hours at the pathologist and 3 blood tests - or in my case 4 because the 3rd she couldn't get any blood. The pathologist also wants me to see my GP again ASAP because she was concerned that after 3 hours my arms were still bleeding. It was pretty scarying actually, the look on her face when she look the pressure and band-aids off and I was still bleeding from the first and second tests done hours before hand. 

I was pretty battered and bruised after. I have a server needle phobia so it was always going to be a struggle but it was just beyond anything I thought. It was horrible. 

Another milestone was the sending out of the baby shower invitations, which is exciting. I've never been to a baby shower so don't really know what to expect. The theme is High Tea. It will be an amazing afternoon tea at my mums, filled with tea cups, cupcakes, finger sandwiches and a few games. I hope everyone can come that we've invited and that everyone gets along. I want it to be like an old fashion ladies after high tea - not sure if I'll get that but oh well, it will hopefully be fun no matter what. 

My new challenge at the moment is trying to force myself to rest. I have been doing to much. Getting tired and overwhelmed and then losing the plot. Richard today took to banishing me to the couch when I was in the kitchen. It helped, I felt better after a little lay down. I guess I feel guilty and worry things won't get done. Definitely need to rest more! 

Week 24/25

God I'm getting so behind with these updates, the weeks are long but go so fast! BB is finally starting to move up I think, I've been carrying so long it has been painful at times and a struggle wearing some clothes. Very uncomfortable on the bladder thats for sure.

It's started getting very cold here already so the need for warm clothes that fit is a real struggle! Today however I am staying home and just chilling in the one room that has a heater! And maybe heading up to the baby room to organize some clothes.... We have finished painting in the nursery, curtains are up, cot and change table are built and I've started washing ALL the baby clothes. I beleive I am nesting, very early I feel but am loving it. Except for when the hormones kick in when I can't do something I want or have to wait for others to help, I do get abit agro!

So many little pink clothes everywhere! We have so much. From the hand-me-downs that mum has kept of my own things and my sisters things, the sales that my mum and I seem to find everywhere and just those 'I have to have that' buys. The car set and pram are getting closer and closer to being paid off - once that debt is gone I will then need to focus on the ever growing credit card debt that really does get to me some nights as I was hoping to be rid of that before BB was born.

Physically I've been fine. Physio is happy with the way things are going. I just feel the usual aches and pains, and the forever feeling of growing. I'm finding signs of stretch marks here and there, even though I cover myself in the stretch mark cream every night. Ah well, I think only I can see them/notice them.

My belly has been feeling really hard the last 24 hours though, to the point of being painfully hard at times, then back to normal. It's weird. Nothing that has worried me but just different.

I feel like I am huge all of a sudden! It's amazing what a 10 week difference can do. And to think in like 14 weeks there will be a baby here. We actually have a cot set up in our house - which was just surreal to watching being put up. Making things very real!

BB gets the hiccups all the time. I feel sorry for her cause I know how much I hate getting them! Instead I've been getting really bad reflux at night. I've struggled with server reflux my whole life so it's no big deal but kind of annoying and nauseating.

Week 23 Questionnaire

How far along? 23 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 6.9kgs - all since around the 16 week mark.
Maternity clothes? Yes, leggings and jeans. A few singlets etc but mainly wearing just longer tops.
Stretch marks? Yes! I found them last night and am devastated. I've been using the creams and everything, but there are places even I didn't know stretch marks could happen.
Sleep: Is uncomfortable. I hate sleeping on my side all the time. I have a millions pillows and even sleep with a teddy bear along my chest and belly cause it's the only thing that molds to my body enough to give me some comfort.
Best moment this week: Her morning kicks are my favorite, even if they wake me up. This more Richard felt how truly hard she does and can kick and was blown away! 
Have you told family and friends: The whole world knows!
Movement: Alot! I feel like it's more then normal but how would I know. She is a wiggler!
Food cravings: Not anymore then usual. Still loving my cereal and milk!
Anything making you queasy or sick: The thought of chicken.
Have you started to show yet: Yes, yes and yes! Feeling huge!
Gender prediction: Pretty sure that we are all team pink!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In. But getting more and more shallow.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on. Have had to take them off a few times and don't wear them to bed anymore.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy at the moment.

Week 21/22 Update

I have been terrible with my updates due to being away for two weeks in Melbourne for Richards work. It was a great time away - a sort of 'Babymoon'. So much food, shopping and sights to see - alot of the time I was by myself and it was nice to just relax and do my own thing. I even started reading a new book series! 

I am technically 23 weeks today but want to get my updates up-to-date! I've been feeling really good considering I have never walked so much in my life then I have in the last two weeks. Guaranteed I've never eaten so much amazing food either! 

I have been feeling chubby, swollen, fat and uncomfortable which is normal. I have developed a bit of reflux at night which sucks. Sleep is difficult but I am managing. I'm doing surprisingly well I think. Happy and excited. This little girl wiggles and moves ALOT! Mainly kicking me in the balder and then stomach which causes me to feel motion sickness sometimes. 

Richard has been amazing! I know he is going to be an unreal dad! 

I have my 3rd antenatal appointment next week and I can't even say I will have much to report then. I have been doing really well emotionally and even physically. I haven't experienced any round ligament pain of pelvic girdle pain in 2 weeks now so I am hoping that has passed. 

In a few weeks Richard may have to go back to Melbourne for work, for up to 4 weeks. We are not sure on this yet. I was starting to struggle at the end of this two weeks, walking around all day, amusing myself, financially it was very expensive. So I know that I won't be staying for the full time maybe a few nights, but then again I'm not sure if Richard will be happy to leave me for that long - especially as we start to really get this ready. We shall see what happens and take it as it comes.

All in all, everyone is well!

Week 19/20

Well I definitely am starting to look pregnant! 
Work on the nursery has stated which is exciting. And shopping is in full swing.
Sleep is uncomfortable! 
One thing I do know, we have one wiggly little girl! She is always on the move!
It's simply amazing and strange at the same time.
I'm up just over 4kgs finally - which I can thank my new appetite for. I am hungry all the time! And for all the wrong things as well. Cupcakes, cupcakes, ALL the cupcakes!

My clothes are getting very tight! Very tight indeed! 
I have been struggling with what we suspect is Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) or pelvic girdle pain which has been agony when it strikes! I've had to start wearing a support belt which has started to worry me that my back and body are giving up and I'm only half way! 
The waddle is in full stride!

I have to say that hubby has been simply amazing of late. So helpful and just amazing. Any doubt or fear that I had in the past is very quickly disappearing. I know he is going to be an amazing dad! In the beginning I had alot of fears - from my own experience, my sisters and my mums, which pregnancies that weren't the positive and joyous experience that you read in the magazines so I was fearful and even put alot of pressure on hubby because I was so scared. But he has really pulled through in the last few weeks and it has just blown my mind! I love him to bits!

The whole labor thing has been on my mind alot lately, with my back and body already starting to give out on me I am getting alittle scare how I am going to get this little girl out!

Week 17/18/Gender

Wow! I have been slack. I think it's more that time is just flying by. Tomorrow I will be 19 weeks so I wanted to try and get a post in for my 17/18 week update plus the latest ultrasound. 

We had an ultrasound at the beginning of the week and will have another in two weeks - the one in two weeks I will be taking mum to, which she has already said she will cry! But the most resent ultrasound was awesome as usual and we are pretty confident that we are having a GIRL! Que all the pink things! We both knew from day one that she was a girl! 

She is perfect! Absolutely perfect! And a little wriggler. I have been feeling her alot this week. It's crazy! Richard still can't feel her yet, I can't wait til he can.

I have been struggling with server round ligament pain though - it is agony. Happens one or two days of the week for an evening and in to the early morning. I've also started sleeping in the spare room because the bed in there is softer, I have that many pillows around me I sleep in a sea of pillows, I get up around 4 times a night to pee and well I just felt like it was a good move for me til I can get comfortable and get my sleeping back to normal. 

Richard has been amazing the last few weeks which has really made my anxiety settle. We have been talking more and it has just generally put me in a better mood so I stress less. 

I've had appointments galore this week. From ultrasound, antenatal, physio, mental health midwife, kinesiology, gp... been very busy but everyone is happy and healthy and thats how we are working at keeping it.

Week 16 Update

Well these weeks just keep flying by but also feel so long! I have royally POPPED! This photo was taken on Saturday, by Sunday afternoon when mum saw me again she was shocked at the size of my belly and how it looked as if it had grown over night - although to me it felt smaller. The truth is it had shifted and moved up and rounded more. Which has been a pleasant thing for me with baby not to much playing on my bladder - meaning only getting once or twice a night and getting a more restful sleep! Still need more though!

This week has still be all about the milk and dairy, blood noses here and there, minimal headaches, more hip and back pain then before and getting worn out a lot faster. I have however been all about the cleaning, cooking and trying to get this house ready. We only moved in, in October (the month I fell pregnant) so we haven't had a lot of time or money to do the things we already wanted to do let along prepare the house for a baby. Clothes are becoming a seriously struggle. Wearing hubbies clothes as they seem to be the only tops I have that fit. It still has been rather cold here so struggling to find warm clothes that fit as well. I have a feeling clothes are going to be my biggest battle.

I am feeling a lot calmer. The crying is at a minimum which is great! I feel like I've started to embrace the pregnancy, finally. I am ok with wearing tight tops to show of my bump. I even said last night that I couldn't wait til the baby was here, with no fear in my mind at all. I think both Richard and I are feeling a lot more comfortable about it all this week which has been so nice and really lifted the stress and tension in the house. 

It is still killing me, to the point of laying awake at night, wanting to know the gender! I'm terrified when we have the scan that they won't be able to tell me. I NEED TO KNOW! Only 14 days left til the scan! Longest two weeks ever! 

Week 15 Update

Featuring an empty nursery!

Hello week 15! I am starting to get more energy which is great! I can actually do things during the day rather then sleep all the time. Although sleeping through the night is still a struggle. The headaches don't seem to bad this week. I've been craving oranges like crazy and downing multiple glasses of flavored milk a day!

Still weighing my pre-pregnancy weight which is very strange to watch my belly grow but the scales stay the same. 

I am starting to get pain in my hips by the end of the day which is annoying. 

21 days and counting til the next ultrasound and we get to hopefully find out the gender. It's killing me! I want to know so badly. I feel like it will be even more real when I can think of the baby as more then a gender neutral blob! 

The emotions have been running high! That has been rough to deal with. I think that stress is getting to me alot lately. It's the little things mainly. 

Big moment of the week for me - I bought my first baby clothes. Mum has bought alot of stuff already and I for some reason have felt strange about buying anything but the other day I did it and they are so adorable! It felt so good!

Progress much?

Here's to another week of growing!