Week 39

Well I'm still here and still very pregnant.
It's been an exhausting two weeks of pre-labor. With on/off contractions.
Yesterday I finally gave in and moved my next antenatal appointment up to that afternoon. 
I'm losing my mind, emotionally and physically exhausted!

The doctor took one look at me and just felt sorry for me. No one tells you or prepares you for weeks of pre-labor! She did all the usual checks and everything was normal. Baby isn't oversized or anything like I was getting worried about, all normal. She offered to do an internal and do a stretch & sweep whilst she was there in the hopes to get things progressing- usually they don't offer this til your overdue but she just felt so sorry for me. I agreed. I'm 1cm dilated already (thank-god) which she was impressed with for a first time mum, but that does mean that all these pains and uncomfortable-ness are doing something. She was even able to touch babies head she is so unbelievably low - that was an odd feeling. (TMI - the stretch & sweep procedure has budged my mucous plug so that's a start - however nothing else yet)

The doctor has also booked me in for a 41 weeks appointment plus ultrasound and an induction date has been booked if things don't progress themselves, although we are all hoping that Little Miss BB comes on her own! I'm hoping she's just like her mother and likes to be on time and will surprise us on her due date! Mind you I've hoped that she would arrive everyday for the last 3 weeks! Either way we have an estimated end date if she doesn't get a hurry on.

I am just over it though! People don't know what to say to me anymore and I don't really know what to do with myself anymore. The emotions are running high. I am constantly feeling as though I'm doing something wrong which is why she isn't here yet.

I just want her to hurry up so I can have her all to myself.

Week 38 - early update!

I am very quickly starting to lose my mind and get cabin fever. 
(Hence the early-ish update, I'm  so bored!)
Being stuck home all day alone just waiting is killing me.
I've had mild, irregular contractions on and off since Tuesday last week (a whole week now), that only seem to happen when someone else is around, and in the afternoon/evening - it's like my body is to scared to do anything when I'm alone. It is so frustrating and exhausting! 
I'm going crazy from bordem! Yes everyone says 'enjoy the time to yourself', 'do the things you love' - I'm 9 months pregnant, I can't do any of the things I love! Plus I'm still stuck home with out a car. I'm done waiting, I want her to hurry up and get here. 

I do think the waiting is causing me some anxiety about the pain and unknown of whats going to happen to actually get her here. I kinda just want the whole labor/delivery part to be over and done with so I can stop thinking about it and questioning every little thing my body does right now. 

I've been feeling very lethargic, very tired and exhausted. Emotionally its almost been like I've got PMS - very teary. The cats have been obsessed with me more then usual but also naughtier then usual which is doing my head in! I'm just plain done with being pregnant now! I'm uncomfortable and feel like I will be things big forever! 

I braved the scales the other day - it has been a almost 2 months since I last weighed myself in which I'd already gained 15kgs. Well at 38 weeks I've gained 18kgs! I feel like a giant whale but then I can't see where other then my belly that I've truly gained weight. I feel swollen and puffy thats for sure so I'm thinking alot of it is fluid because I can still fit in to size 12 maternity jeans. 

Everything is done and ready for baby to get here, she just needs to get here!

Week 37

Almost there. 
This week Little Miss BB dropped and engaged.
And a little secret I've even had mild, irregular contractions since Tuesday night.
So today's antenatal appointment will most likely be our last as the midwife was very excited by the pain I've been having and believe I'm in the early stages of labor starting any time now.

It all went well except my Strep B swab came back positive - this does change the birth plan alittle. It means that when my waters break (or contractions get close and painful) I have to go in to the Maternity Unit and be put on an antibiotics drip for the remainder of the labor. This was not want I wanted at all but of course have to do whats right for baby!

 I was also put on the CTG machine as Little Miss BB has been alittle slow in the mornings and with the irregular contractions - well didn't she show us! After 20 minutes of violent hick ups and another 20 minutes of her heart rate being all over the place she has lost the title of most consistent heart rate from day one! She has always had a heart rate of 148 - 150bpm but today her heart rate was going up to 185bpm at times. Apparently nothing to be worried about but did make it hard to get her base line. 

So looks like if all goes to plan and my body does what everyone thinks it will, we may have a baby this week! I'm nervous and terrified but over-all can't wait for her to get her. I am so uncomfortable! And very much over it now! 

So now we wait. Everything is ready - well as far as my brain is telling me. Get as much rest as I can and eat as much as I can for energy. I might get myself on the treadmill tomorrow as well to try and get things moving. I'm really hoping this week is the week!

The drop! I'm even lower now as well!