Well talk about growth spurt! I feel like a beached whale!
The weather has turned very cold and very much winter here now so I've taken to staying home alot more. We did have a Maternity photo shot at 32 weeks though which I'm nervously awaiting the photos from - I would never have the confidence to do that sort of thing but the photographer was a friend of my husbands and offered to do it for free if she could use the photos for advertising so I really hop they look alright - so nervous!
We had our Breastfeeding Class last week as well, and well that was an experience. I feel overwhelmed by the whole thing. The midwife who took the class was very intense and I do feel alot of pressure to 'perform'. I know that I need to trust that my body will do what it's meant to have I hope I can feed my baby girl the best I can for the amount of time that feels comfortable to me and her. The pressure to breastfeed well after 1 year old is very overwhelming for me. I have in my mind the goal of at least 4-6months if all goes well. So yes, very confronting sort of class that made me feel rather uncomfortable and out of my comfort zone.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned before but we do have a name for our precious little one. We announced it to friends at the baby shower in the form of a custom nail polish. We still reserve the right to change our mind but I am very doubtful we will. I've been calling her by her name for a months now and its just perfect.
Next week is the anesthetist appointment to discuss my options with my previous spinal surgery. However I have got my heart set on and have been preparing (my mind) for a natural birth with little intervention as possible. More then happy to take the gas & air. We've researched warm compression as well which I hope to use if needed. As well has the usual active birth needs, yoga ball, music, and a tens machine. I want to meet my little girl and give her the best chance in this world.
The vivid dreams, leg cramps and braxton hicks contractions are making sleep a very rare thing these days. In turn making me slighting emotional and very tired. I worry about things I shouldn't. My business, money, money and money - I worry so much. My goal was to have my credit card paid off before she was born however I think my dreams for my business being more successful clouded my usual rational mind when it came to how much getting ready for a baby would cost as well as trying to keep my business going and getting the house prepared. So my credit card doesn't look much better then it did 6 months ago which really gets me down alot. I worry alot!
I did have alot of worry last week and a totally irrational fear of going in to labor early. I think the lack of sleep does get me when it comes to certain fears because it feeds them.
I am starting to feel extra uncomfortable though!
33 weeks VS 32 weeks |
I did (out of the early labor fear) get around to packing my hospital bag and I have almost finished packing the baby bag (I don't think the nappy bag will be quite big enough so going with a small weekender bag).
I did a lot of online research and even asked alot of friends on Facebook as to what to pack in my hospital bag, which at times I got so overwhelmed with. I think it was more the fact that with the bag packed, its really happening.
So here's whats in my bag:
- 2x Packs of Maternity Pads
- 6x Granny Undies (cheap and black)
- A Nursing bra (a size up from what I have been wearing - but I go with the this style so size isn't to much of an issue)
- 2x Draw string light long pants
- 1x Light weight Cardigan to wear for visitors
- Long Dressing Gown & Dark pj maternity pants
- Long sleeve, button down Nightie for easy breastfeeding
- Bathroom bag: Dry shampoo, moisturizer, body wash, hand sanitizer, tooth brush/paste, hair ties and lip balm
- Large Oversized Tshirt (for labor)
- 4x Face washers (to use for hot compression if needed)
I know I'll probably add more to this but I feel pretty happy with whats in the bag at the moment. I do want to make sure I put a spare phone charger in there so we don't have to rush around and try and remember it when things start getting serious.
If anyone reading can think of anything else I might need please feel free to comment.
Well thats one big long update - I guess alot has been going on this fortnight.
Between the braxton hicks contractions, lack of sleep and irrational worries, I'm doing alright!